### Plots for the paper: 'Production theory: accounting for firm ### heterogeneity and technical change', authors: Giovanni Dosi, ### Marco Grazzi, Luigi Marengo, Simona Settepanella. ####### Table of Contents, as of May, 6th 2015 # This file contains the code to replicate plots for the toy example # only. Data to replicate the exercise with firm-level data can be # accessed at Istat facilities in Rome (Italy) ### A - PICTURES CURRENTLY IN THE PAPER - IN ORDER # Fig. 3 \label{fig:vectors} Vectors representing firms in the toy example # Fig. 4 \label{fig:toy-example} NOT PRODUCED IN GNUPLOT # Fig. 5 \label{fig:solid} NOT PRODUCED IN GNUPLOT # Fig. 6 \label{fig:toy_solid_angle_t1} planar section of the solid angle generated # Fig. 7 \label{fig:diagonal_tech_change} Productivity increase and the angle of the zonotope's main diagonal diagonal_tech_change # Fig. 8 \label{fig:entex} Variation of heterogeneity # Fig. 9 \label{fig:dea} Data Envolopment Analysis on the illustrative example # Fig. 3 Vectors representing firms in the toy example # \label{fig:vectors} # toy2, vectors-firms in year 1 reset set label 1 'Labor' rotate by -8 at graph 0.7, graph -0.7, graph 0.25 set label 2 'Capital' rotate by 30 at graph 1.3, graph -0.2, graph 0.1 set label 3 'VA' at graph 0.028, graph -0.2, graph 1.3 set ticslevel 0 set term post eps enha mono dashed 'Times-Roman' 20 set output 'toy2-example-vectors_1.eps' splot [0:10][0:10][0:10] "< gbget 'toy2-example-data_1.txt' -t '<0;0;0;x1;x2;x3>' " using 1:2:3:4:5:6 with vectors filled head lw 2 notitle # Fig. 6 \label{fig:toy_solid_angle_0} planar section of the solid angle generated !./zonohedron toy2-example-data_1.txt !mv boundary.txt .boundary1 !./zonohedron toy2-example-data_2.txt !mv boundary.txt .boundary2 ## compute projection for a) all vectors; b) boundary vectors !./planecut toy2-example-data_1.txt [45 40 67] > .projec_toy2_1 !./planecut .boundary1 [45 40 67] > .projec_toy2_bound_1 !./planecut toy2-example-data_2.txt [45 40 67] > .projec_toy2_2 !./planecut .boundary2 [45 40 67] > .projec_toy2_bound_2 reset set label 1 'Firm 1' at first -1.03, first .4 set label 2 'Firm 2' at first -.15, first -.175 set label 3 'Firm 3' at first -.79, first .29 set label 4 'Firm 4' at first -.59, first .184 set label 5 'Firm 5' at first -.66, first .09 set label 6 'Firm 6' at first -1.03, first -.53 set label 7 'Firm 7' at first -.18, first .32 set label 8 'Firm 8' at first -.955, first -.37 set label 9 'Firm 9' at first -1.76, first 0.035 set label 10 'Firm 10' at first -.36, first -.57 set term post eps enha mono dashed 'Times-Roman' 22 set output 'toy2-example_solid_angle_t1.eps' plot [-1.8:0.1][-0.6:.5] "< gbget -F ',' '.projec_toy2_1' " w p pt 8 ps 2.5 notitle ,\ "< gbget -F ',' '.projec_toy2_bound_1(,1;2;4;3;5;6;1)' " w l lt -1 lw 2 title '{/Symbol W}_1' reset #set ytics format "" #set y2tics set label 1 'Firm 1' at first -1.03, first .4 set label 2 'Firm 2' at first -.15, first -.175 set label 3 'Firm 3' at first -.79, first .29 set label 4 'Firm 4' at first -.59, first .184 set label 5 'Firm 5' at first -.66, first .09 set label 6 'Firm 6' at first -1.03, first -.53 set label 7 'Firm 7' at first -.18, first .32 set label 8 'Firm 8' at first -.16, first .14 font "Times-Roman Bold" set label 9 'Firm 9' at first -0.16, first 0.4 font "Times-Roman Bold" set label 10 'Firm 10' at first -.14, first 0.0 font "Times-Roman Bold" set term post eps enha mono dashed 'Times-Roman' 22 set output 'toy2-example_solid_angle_t2.eps' plot [-1.8:0.1][-0.6:.5] "< gbget -F ',' '.projec_toy2_2' " w p pt 4 ps 2 notitle ,\ "< gbget -F ',' '.projec_toy2_bound_2(,1;2;3;4;1)' " w l lt 3 lw 1 title '{/Symbol W}_2' # Fig. 7 \label{fig:diagonal_tech_change} Productivity increase and the angle of the zonotope's main diagonal # get the coordinates of the diagonal !./zonohedron toy2-example-data_1.txt !./zonohedron toy2-example-data_2.txt ### diagonal technical change reset set label 3 'VA' at graph 0.028, graph -0.2, graph 1.3 set xlabel 'Labor' set ylabel 'Capital' set contour base set cntrparam levels incremental 0,0.1,100 set style data lines set view 50,53 set ticslevel 0 set term post eps enha mono dashed dl 3 'Times-Roman' 20 set output 'diagonal_tech_change.eps' splot [0:52][0:52][0:100]"< echo 0 0 0 50 40 67" using 1:2:3:4:5:6 with vectors filled head lw 1.5 lt 1 title 'Diagonal year 1' ,\ "< echo 0 0 0 37 39 89" using 1:2:3:4:5:6 with vectors filled head lw 2.5 lt 2 dt 3 title 'Diagonal year 2' ,\ "< echo 0 0 0 50 40 00" using 1:2:3:4:5:6 with vectors filled head lw 1 lt 1 dt 4 title 'Proj year 1' ,\ "< echo 0 0 0 37 39 00" using 1:2:3:4:5:6 with vectors filled head lw 1 lt 1 dt 4 title 'Proj year 2' # Fig. 8 \label{fig:entex} Variation of heterogeneity.... ## toy2 !./zonohedron toy2-example-data_1.txt gini 10 10 5 0.5 0.5 > toy2_with_entry_exit.txt reset set pm3d set xlabel "Labor" set ylabel "Capital" set zlabel "G(X)" offset graph 0.18,0,.7 set style line 1 lt 4 lw .5 set ztics 0.105,0.01,0.175 set pm3d at s hidden3d 1 unset surf #set zrange[0.085: 0.14] set palette gray negative set term post eps enha mono 'Times-Roman' 20 set output 'entry_exit_toy2.eps' set view 45, 338, 1, 1 splot 'toy2_with_entry_exit.txt' notitle # Fig. 9 \label{fig:dea} Data Envolopment Analysis on the illustrative example toy2-example-dea !gbget 'toy2-example-data_1.txt' -t '' -o '%6.2f' reset set xlabel 'Labor/VA' set ylabel 'Capital/VA' set label 3 'Firm 3' at first 0.55, first 0.32 set label 11 'Firm 1' at first 0.72, first 0.12 set label 22 'Firm 2' at first 0.07, first 0.92 set label 7 'Firm 7' at first 0.1, first 0.12 set label 9 'Firm 9' at first 1.88, first 0.78 set label 10 'Firm 10' at first 0.6, first 1.865 set term post eps enha mono dashed dl 3 'Times-Roman' 20 set output 'toy2-example-dea.eps' plot [0:2.1][0:2.1]"< gbget 'toy2-example-data_1.txt' -t '' " w p pt 2 ps 2 notitle ,\ "< gbget 'toy2-example-data_1.txt(,2;7;1)' -t '' " w l lt 1 lw 2 title 'efficient frontier' ,\ "< echo -e '0.2222 0.2222 \n 10 -0.1538089' | gbget '()' " w l dt 2 lw 0.5 notitle ,\ "< echo -e '0.2222 0.2222 \n 0 6.000540054' | gbget '()' " w l dt 2 lw 0.5 notitle ,\ "< echo -e '0 0 \n 0.75 1.75' | gbget '()' " w l dt 3 lw 0.5 notitle ,\ "< echo -e '0 0 \n 2 0.666667' | gbget '()' " w l dt 3 lw 0.5 notitle